The only comprehensive trade association dedicated to aerial firefighting

    aerial firefighting
    aerial firefighting
    aerial firefighting
    aerial firefighting
    aerial firefighting
    Perimeter Solutions
    10 Tanker

    Become a Member

    UAFA membership is open to companies who own or lease and operate aircraft, UAVs, drones, or provide aerial-delivered suppressants and/or retardants under contract with federal or state governmental entities for aerial firefighting services.

    Companies who support the aerial firefighting industry by providing products and services along with nonprofits, and state and national agencies are also encouraged to join.

    Advantages of UAFA Membership
    • Advocacy and representation in Washington, DC
    • Ability to participate on UAFA's Government Industry Advisory Committee (GIAC), Membership Committee, and asset-specific committees.
    • Access to resources shared by member companies and organizations
    • Networking opportunities
    • Ensures your company has a voice at the table


    2024 UAFA Annual Conference
    Nov 13, 2024
    Nov 14, 2024
    The United Aerial Firefighters Association is excited to announce the opening of registration for our Second Annual Conference this November 13-14 in Boise, Idaho. These two full days of networking and collaboration are your best opportunity to ensure your organization has a seat at the table as industry stakeholders debrief this year's fire season, learn about industry innovations, and plan for the future of aerial firefighting. In addition to the highly-anticipated after action review sessions with representatives from Federal and State land management agencies and asset type breakouts, this year will feature our first-ever aerial firefighting exhibit showcase for members and non-members to present their latest products, services, and technologies. Attendees can also expect an open UAFA member meeting with updates from government relations and asset type committees, a workshop on incident response, and more
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    UAFA 2024 Congressional Hill Day
    Mar 12, 2024
    Mar 12, 2024
    UAFA will host its first Congressional Hill Day for members on September 19th and 20th in Washington, DC. Congressional Hill Days are a valuable opportunity for members to engage directly with representatives and their staff, build relationships, and influence legislation by communicating critical needs in the aerial firefighting industry.
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    News & Updates